Author: Jason Tolbert

by Jason Tolbert -

Pryor: The Undecided Senator

In the last election cycle, we heard a lot about the undecided voter.  You might remember that Saturday Night Live had a great sketch on this odd group that could not…

by Jason Tolbert -

Ross Is The Last, Best Hope For Democrats

With the news from Talk Business on Tuesday that former Congressman Mike Ross is leaving his nice, high-paying job with Southwest Power Pool for an “opportunity in public service,”  I…

by Jason Tolbert -

Dismang To Seek Senate President Pro Temp

With the Arkansas legislative session nearing the beginning of the end, the Senate is already looking to the next term. Their rules differ slightly from the House of Representatives in…

by Jason Tolbert -

No More Facebookin’ Your Ballot

If your Facebook friends are similar to mine, you probably saw several of them post a picture of their ballots on election day last November proudly showing everyone they voted…