Author: Jason Tolbert

by Jason Tolbert -

Darr To Help “Stuff The Sleigh”

Lieutenant Governor Mark Darr's office will be assisting again this year to help “Stuff the Sleigh” with toys for foster children in Arkansas. The annual toy drive, organized by Jason…

by Jason Tolbert -

Where The Election Watch Parties Are

Election night is a big night. Of course, everyone needs to be closely watching Talk Business’ Scorecard as well as Fox 16 where Roby Brock and I will be setting…

by Jason Tolbert -

Voter Fraud Suspected In Lee County

You have got to hand it to KATV’s Jason Peterson of “Seven on Your Side” fame for being able to dig into a story. On Friday, he reported on suspected…

by Jason Tolbert -

When Democrats Attack Democrats

It is getting bad for Democrats in Arkansas this year. How bad you ask? So bad that they are now attacking each other in an attempt to score some political…