General William O. Darby Birthday Celebration

by ashleemilton ([email protected]) 135 views 

General William O. Darby Birthday Celebration
Saturday, February 8, 2014
2:00-4:00 p. m.

Celebrate the birthday of General William O. Darby on Saturday, February 8, 2:00-4:00 p. m. with birthday cake and punch in the soda fountain.  View the William O. Darby Memorial Room and a film about the famous founder of Darby’s Rangers.
William O. Darby was born in Fort Smith on February 8, 1911. Known as “Billy,” from an early age he wanted to be a soldier. After graduation from Fort Smith High School in 1928, Darby received an appointment to West Point. In 1932, after graduation, Second Lieutenant Darby began a distinguished Army career. Selected to lead elite special forces in WWII called Rangers, Darby earned the respect of his men as well as his commanding officers. General Darby is known for leading his men into action living up to the motto “Rangers Lead the Way.” Darby was killed in action and posthumously promoted to General. Today’s Army Rangers began under the leadership of the brave Fort Smithian of whom the city is rightly proud.

Join the Fort Smith Museum of History in honoring General William O. Darby.
Free with Museum admission:  $5 for adults, $2 for children.