
by Paul Holmes -

Of disease and ‘dogs’

It has been a long time since I saw the words raccoon dog used in a headline. However, that term has surfaced again and in an unexpected connotation. We in…

by Dr. Bruce Murphy -

More than a mission

As in many states across the United States, Arkansas’ healthcare industry has dramatically shifted over the last 25 years. Many providers have exited rural communities, choosing instead to base their…

by Mark Zweig -

Food for thought

My brother-in-law and sister-in-law were visiting us from New Mexico recently, and we decided to take them and our two youngest girls to dinner in Fayetteville. While my wife and…

by Greg Kaza -

A top 10 Arkansas metric

Arkansas isn’t 48th or 49th. We’re in the Top 10 in the United States in one charitable metric. A broad-based coalition of Arkansans have distributed more than 13,000 dictionaries to…

by Alan Lewis -

What might be coming?

Beginning in March 2022, the Fed started raising interest rates. These rate increases ended a 14-year era of cheap money. But quickly raising interest rates from essentially zero to current…

by Mark Zweig -

Perception vs. Reality

When you see how the media portray entrepreneurship, you would likely think that entrepreneurship is all about idea generation, startups, and the almost-instant raising of equity capital while the founders…

by Paul Holmes -

The wing thing

Remember when your mom or grandmother would cook up the big Sunday dinner that included fried chicken most often sourced from the backyard coop (farm-to-table in the purest sense), mashed…

by Kalene Griffith -

It’s all about community

As we kick off our 2023 tourism campaigns, it’s an ideal moment of reflection on what we’ve learned from the past few years. Today, travelers crave more meaningful and authentic…

by Mark Hodges -

The power to live without power

Technology, specifically information technology (IT), has done more to advance business capabilities than any form of progress in recent memory. Or has it? What comes to mind upon hearing the…

by Scott Benedict -

Leading in omnichannel retail

Many years ago, when I was a buyer for a prominent national catalog retailer, I was fascinated by an emerging new retailing format of selling online by way of a…