
by Brian OConnell -

Should you sell your business or hang on?

We live in strange times, and the impact of COVID-19 has had perhaps the most significant economic impact on small-business owners. Whether your business was impacted financially or not, it…

by Paul Holmes -

The virus and voting

With the general election a scant two months away, it’s time we get ourselves informed about what we’ll see on what promises to be a lengthy ballot. Before we do,…

by Chris Simon -

Thriving while working from home

The world has changed, and I have finally decided to change with it. During the first few months of COVID, my denial ran rampant, and I refused to make the…

by Stacey Mason -

The art of effective communication

The number of words in the English language is 1,057,379.6. This is the estimate by the Global Language Monitor as of January 2020. While 1 million words is a generally…

by Sam Sicard -

Innovation is good for business and for politics

Competent business leaders know that to improve, the status quo can never be acceptable. Continuous improvement requires innovation, an exchange of ideas, and healthy competition. For Arkansas to grow, to…

by Michael Tilley -

Riff Raff: Local problems

The Fort Smith Public School Board on June 22 rejected a bid recommendation by a Texas-based company managing the district’s $120 million millage construction and instead gave the work to…

by Ray Hanley -

Resilience – overcoming our past

All children face challenges – it’s how they learn and grow into responsible adults. But how does one child experience a terrible childhood trauma and survive, even prosper as an adult, while…

by Frank Cardoza -

Estate planning in a nutshell

While most people do not spend much time thinking about their estate plan, it is one of life’s biggest decisions. A customized, comprehensive estate plan will save your family time,…

by Paul Holmes -

For Jonesboro, is past prologue?

It’s a rare treat when a single document can provide a look at the past and a glimpse into the future simultaneously. That’s the way it felt the other day…

by Ross DeVol -

The key to recovery

As Northwest Arkansas starts to reopen its economy, local leaders must address an important question: What is the best way to recover and rebuild? The answer will determine the region’s…

by Kristi Dannelley -

Marketing for the new normal

The coronavirus has sent our nation into a financial tailspin. Mandatory closures have impacted every sector of the economy, but particularly the restaurant, fitness, nonprofit, event and public-facing industries. In…

by Dr. Chad Rodgers -

It’s dangerous to delay childhood vaccines

The coronavirus pandemic has had several unforeseen consequences, including a dramatic decline in routine trips to the doctor’s office. Annual physicals, checkups for chronic conditions and especially childhood vaccines have been…