Author: Michael Tilley

by Michael Tilley -

Monty Python perspective

A comedic rant against the Roman occupation of Palestine (what is now Israel) was part of a movie scene in “Life of Brian” during which Judeans sought to displace the…

by Michael Tilley -

An energy waste of time

What follows is a waste of time — like telling a drunk to quit drinking or Congress to quit spending or Joe Biden to quit thinking he’s a big f*&%$#@…

by Michael Tilley -

Billy comments on comments

Billy, the college friend from thousands of years ago, has called again. He’s equal parts amused, concerned and curious about comments on The City Wire. For what it’s worth, Billy…

by Michael Tilley -

The end is near(er)

Editor’s note: This essay, written by Michael Tilley, first ran in the Times Record back in 2007. You can link here to the TR version. Please accept what follows as…

by Michael Tilley -

Liberals fail economics 101

Now comes Zeljka Buturovic and Daniel Klein with an interesting piece of research for those who sometimes, frequently or hourly wonder why some folks support government laws, programs and social-engineering…

by Michael Tilley -

Elephants, jackasses and you

There was some hope the election season would take a brief respite before the November round begins. You know, kind of like the 15 minutes of intermission you get at…

by Michael Tilley -

Rosey politics

Rosey is back. With her (or his) back up about politics. As a reminder, an alleged dog owner sends us real letters about Rosey’s (the dog) incessant need for attention…

by Michael Tilley -

Anger and misinformation

There is much anger in this emerging discussion over what to do with the Fort Smith Convention Center. There is even more misinformation. For the misinformation and anger and financial…

by Michael Tilley -

Primary thoughts

Our primary election came and went. Good people won and good people lost. The real losers are those of us who fail to stop and enjoy the process — this…

by Michael Tilley -

Fortunate son (2010)

Editor’s note: This essay was first posted May 10, 2009. A lot has changed in Mom’s world. The world in 1949, the year of her birth, was a crazy place….

by Michael Tilley -

The Rosey

We’ve received a few more real letters from a real reader with a troubled dog. Or maybe it’s a real dog with a troubled owner. Anyway, as noted in our…

by Michael Tilley -

Elvis is the answer

The folks recently met who were appointed by the Fort Smith board of directors to figure out what to do with the Fort Smith Convention Center and the potential of…

by Michael Tilley -

Think beyond the pandering

Once again we voters are peppered mercilessly via our television, radio and mail box to support candidates who deserve our votes because they love the Lord, love the Constitution and…

by Michael Tilley -

Recycling for Earth Day

Editor’s note: This essay first appeared Aug. 1, 2009. It runs here again because Earth Day is April 22 and we believe recycling an essay will help save a piece…

by Michael Tilley -

Regarding Rosey, again

We’ve received a few more real letters from a real reader. As we noted in our first conversation with Rosey’s owner, we’re not sure about the dog, or the story…

by Michael Tilley -

Finding Madonna

There he was, Anthony Bourdain, visiting with a French vineyard owner about what makes the grapes in his field taste different compared to the same class of grapes growing just…

by Michael Tilley -

Billy returns

Billy, an old college friend recently dropped in for a chat. He finds amusing this recent spectacle of folks showing up at Fort Smith board meetings to harangue board members…

by Michael Tilley -

Anger management

This is a request for you, Kind Reader, to compartmentalize your animosity toward the steaming pile of federal government that has forgotten that natural fertilizer becomes toxic when spread too…