LR Water Reclamation Authority had $2.6B economic impact on central Arkansas

by Talk Business & Politics staff ([email protected]) 91 views 

The Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority (LRWRA) recently completed an economic impact analysis that determined the utility had a substantial economic impact of nearly $2.6 billion in central Arkansas from 2014 through 2023.

The findings came from an impact study conducted by Boyette Strategic Advisors, an economic development consulting firm with Little Rock and Atlanta offices, who have conducted numerous studies for local entities.

Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority is Arkansas’ largest wastewater utility. It maintains over 1,400 miles of sewer pipeline and 32,200 manholes in its collection system and operates three state-of-the-art water reclamation facilities.

“LRWRA has a significant economic impact in Central Arkansas and plays a key role in economic development in Little Rock, but our impact goes beyond the financial effects,” said Jean Block, LRWRA’s chief executive officer. “This study also shows our organization’s social and cultural impact in Little Rock. Our employees volunteered time and provided support to 94 charitable organizations, schools, and community events.”

LRWRA’s impact was measured for a six-county region in central Arkansas – Pulaski, Faulkner, Jefferson, Lonoke, Perry, and Saline counties – where the majority of employees live. The total 10-year aggregated impact was $2.55 billion over the 10-year study period, 4.3 times more than the utility’s revenues during that same timeframe.

Some of the other findings of the analysis include:

  • $1.3 billion contribution to the regional economy through jobs, payroll, infrastructure, and operations.
  • $378 million generated by LRWRA suppliers, and $901 million was generated by LRWRA employees and their families.
  • $362 million in capital investments.
  • An estimated 4,920 new residential/commercial customers from new residential and business development. This does not include new customers from businesses who located in the Port of Litte Rock.

The analysis also highlighted programs that increase awareness of residents’ benefits, including the Sewer Service Line Replacement Program (SSLRP), Can the Grease, and Cap the Cleanout.

The SSLRP program reimburses homeowners up to $2,500 to replace their defective service line. During the analysis timeframe, LRWRA reimbursed 3,700 homeowners a total of $9.4 million.

To view the full report, click here.