Fast 15: Sara Lynn Geiger
by May 8, 2023 7:54 am 1,201 views
With her eyes on Northwest Arkansas’ future, Sara Lynn Geiger is “making sure what we’re doing today results in a better tomorrow.”
Geiger works to create a better quality of life for the region as she expands relationships in the business community and with legislators. She serves the region’s business community by helping pass “government policy that gives business the continued opportunity to grow and provide jobs for the area.”
Attending a conference in Washington, D.C., as a high school junior from Jacksonville, Fla., piqued Geiger’s interest in how policy and government affairs “affect everyone in some way, shape or form.” During college, she interned with Orange County commissioners and assisted with policy issues, including human trafficking and foster youth. She led awareness campaigns as university chair for the Greater Orlando Human Trafficking Task Force and interned for the Ninth Judicial Circuit Court of Florida. Upon graduation in 2017 from the University of Central Florida with a dual degree in political science/pre-law and legal studies, Geiger was the executive navigator for Dr. Jay Strack, president of Student Leadership University. Then she worked as a legislative aide to the chair of the Education Committee and the chair of the Ways and Means Committee in the Florida House. Responsible for handling all legislation, funding requests and policy interests for the representatives, she was on the team that passed a billion-dollar tax cut bill, including incentives for businesses and general tax holidays for citizens.
Newly married and with her husband working for Tyson Foods, she joined the Rogers Lowell Chamber in September 2022.
Believing “incredible things are ahead for Northwest Arkansas,” Geiger enjoys connecting people to the resources they need, whether business contacts or recommendations.
“A big piece of my heart is serving people, and I want to do that well,” she said.
Motivated when she sees her work has a “benefit to the greater good of our community,” Geiger worked for seven years to combat human trafficking in Florida and hopes to continue that with Hub of Hope.
Part of the Leadership Arkansas class of 2022-2023, Geiger is active in her church and constantly looking to invest in the community, from mentoring foster youth to serving the homeless.
Geiger enjoys cooking.