Did You Know Coca-Cola Has 92M Followers on Facebook?
by December 7, 2015 12:00 am 102 views
While there is nothing trivial about retail, there’s a great deal to be learned from retail trivia.
In this issue, we highlight some Thanksgiving weekend retail facts with some interesting tidbits on the popularity of some brands on social media.
Did you know that a survey shows 95 percent of employed consumers said they planned to do some Cyber Monday shopping while on the job?
It isn’t enough that omnichannel retail now allows people to shop 24/7, people still want to search for the best Cyber Monday deals, even when they are supposed to be working.
Did you know that, as of October 2015, Coca-Cola had more than 92 million fans on Facebook?
That is a lot of fans — and a lot of opportunity for Coke to interact with consumers and mine data.
Did you know that, according to the National Retail Federation, 86 percent of shoppers say free shipping is the second most important thing when shopping? The first most important thing (according to 90 percent of those surveyed) is low prices.
People really don’t like paying any more than they have to, particularly those annoying shipping charges. It’s no wonder so many online retailers offer free shipping programs and incentives.
Did you know that Dove is the top-ranked beauty brand on Facebook?
Dove has over 24 million fans on its Facebook page.
Did you know that the National Retail Federation also reports that more people shopped Thanksgiving weekend than expected?
Only a few weeks ago, 136 million people told the NRF that they planned to shop over Thanksgiving weekend. Yet, over 151 million people shopped, either online or in a brick-and-mortar store. One wonders if the Thanksgiving weekend deals were just too good to pass up.
Did you know that, worldwide, the most social content sharing takes place on Facebook?
Fifty-seven percent of social sharing takes place on Facebook. Twitter comes in at a distant second place with 16 percent of social content shared.