Innovation Hub Tinkers With Sewing, Costumes And Food - Talk Business & Politics

Innovation Hub Tinkers With Sewing, Costumes And Food

by Todd Jones ( 129 views 

The Arkansas Regional Innovation Hub is gearing up for some big events in the coming weeks that involve sewing, tinkering and costuming.

Friday, September 11th starting at 7:00 p.m., the Hub will host its monthly MAKE It event. This month, the Hub will help members and visitors get ready for the Maker Ball in October by showing them how to sew. The skills used will be put to use by making costumes for the new annual event.

According to the website:

“Costume consultation begins! Meet our fabulous Makers and let them share their brilliance as you plan your Maker Ball costume. We’ll find ways to bring your costume idea to fruition, or help you come up with an idea if you don’t have one yet!”

Tickets are $10 and you can register here. In addition, on October 2nd, the Hub will open for participants to work on their Maker costumes.

Speaking of the Maker Ball, it will take place on Friday, October 30th at the Capital Hotel in downtown Little Rock from 8-11 p.m. Tickets are $100 and the proceeds will benefit the Arkansas Regional Innovation Hub. Learn more about the ball here.

Tinkerfest takes place on Saturday, September 19th from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Museum of Discovery in Little Rock. The Launchpad will be in the Tech Gallery with some cool toys such as robots, 3-D printers and scanners, a virtual reality TARDIS and some really cool gadgets.

You can learn more about TinkerFest here.

Finally, just today, Warwick Sabin, Executive Director of the Innovation Hub, reaffirmed that the Hub is looking to add a Food Network-style kitchen across the street to give food entrepreneurs a maker space.

The Hub announced the news in December, but Sabin said there is no timetable for a launch as the project is still in the development phase.

The project will include partnerships with local organizations such as the Clinton Health Matters Initiative, Heifer International, Pulaski Tech, Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance, University Of Arkansas Division Of Agriculture/UA Cooperative Extension Service and The Arkansas Agriculture Department

This initiative is sure to help facilitate the local movement to use more locally-based agricultural products and help build a healthier community.

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