The C Suite: Kay Lewis
by January 1, 2015 12:00 am 161 views
Achievements: During her 18 years as head IT executive for J.B. Hunt, she has pioneered the development of award-winning systems that changed the face of the transportation industry.
To what do you attribute your success? “I feel fortunate my parents gave me and my sisters responsibilities at a very young age. At 13, I worked summers in my father’s construction business and was the primary cook in the family. The sense of self-worth and accomplishment I gained from these responsibilities helped to create my work ethic.”
What would most people be surprised to learn about you? “At heart, I’m a simple person. There are few things I love more than being in the woods, riding a bicycle, watching the birds, listening to beautiful piece of music or enjoying a fabulously written book or poem. However, I will trade that bottle of Coke for a nice little Rosso de Montalcino.”
When is it appropriate to text for business? “It’s useful to send short, factual information updates, particularly if they are time-sensitive and need to go to several people. Of course, it’s not appropriate for crucial conversations, detailed planning, coaching, or if the recipient isn’t comfortable with that means of communication.”
If you had $1 million to give, what causes would you support? “The Alzheimer’s associations. Our family is currently struggling with the impact of the disease on my mother’s life. Also, the Nature Conservancy and Magdalene Serenity House of NW Arkansas.”