NWA Women in Business: Johnelle Hunt
by January 1, 2015 12:00 am 124 views
Age: 83
Northwest Arkansas
Education: University of Central Arkansas
Professional background: Hunt, with late husband J.B. Hunt, started J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc., one of the largest transportation and logistics providers in North America. She was active in contributing to that company’s success until she retired from the board of directors in 2008, and now works daily from her office in the J.B. Hunt building on Pinnacle Hills Parkway in Rogers.
What are the attributes of a good leader? “I believe that a good leader is one who listens to the opinions of others. It’s important for those you lead to be a part of the direction and decisions.”
What other female leaders do you admire and why? “I truly admire a leader who is trying to do the right thing and treats people fairly. That is a trait that is admirable in both women and men.”
What do you want Hunt Ventures to accomplish in the next year? “We live in a prosperous area and I hope that continues for many years. At Hunt Ventures we have the opportunity to create a lasting legacy, especially in Pinnacle Hills, for those who live in Northwest Arkansas and build their careers and lives here.”
Have you had to deal with gender bias in your career? If so, how did you handle it? “I have never felt I have had to deal with gender bias. I look at someone and see a person. That’s what I believe, and that’s the attitude I try to teach to others.”
What advice would you give a younger version of yourself, just starting your career? “Surround yourself with good people and then have the faith in your own ability to make leadership decisions with the help of those people.”
What drives you to succeed? “From the time my husband Johnnie [J.B.] and I were married, we were a team. He had so many ideas and projects, and we were so proud to see them through. Today, I push forward continuing the projects that Johnnie cared about and, because we were a team, I want to see them successfully completed.
What or who has been your greatest influence in your career and why? “My husband, J.B. Hunt. He was the driving business force in our marriage, and I was along for the ride, supporting him any way I could. Sometimes that meant working side-by-side with him and at other times it meant moral support. Through it all, I admired him as a businessman and person, resulting in a profound impact on my life.”
If you were going to write an autobiography, what would it be titled? “Just a Little Girl from Cleburne County.”
What do you do to unwind/for fun? “I love to spend time with family: at home, traveling, shopping or just relaxing with them. I cherish that time.”
What motivated you to choose the field you’re in? “I don’t think I could have chosen my field and ended up with the one I have. The necessity of moving forward in the many earlier life choices in your life eventually leads you to a point where you can reflect on it all. I would say the life I have and current field of work were a direct result of marrying the love of my life.”
Was there ever a time when you considered doing something else? “What? Many times! My original career choice was homemaker, but as I said, necessity can change those choices.”
Success oftentimes comes down to “satisfied customers.” How do you go about making sure your clients, subordinates and peers are satisfied with your work/leadership/vision? “Good communication — and that starts with your team of employees. Communication of goals, communication of how to treat people and communication with everyone as a person, not a number.”
How have attitudes changed about women in the workplace from the time you started out until now? Or, has there even been a change? “There are more opportunities for women in leadership roles now than when I entered the workforce. Specifically, I think it’s the drive and determination of the individual that can bring the biggest change in attitude for those around them.”
Best mentor? “My parents taught and guided me. I always had the greatest respect for them.”
What’s one surprising or interesting fact about you? “My future husband was quite handsome and had a big red truck with his name on it. One night, my friends and I had an opportunity to ride with him. I outran 10 other girls to get in the truck first, so I could sit next to Johnnie.”