The C Suite: Jeffrey Geurian

by Talk Business & Politics ([email protected]) 114 views 

Achievements: Became president and CEO at age 30 in 1996; under his leadership, CEI went from working primarily with Wal-Mart Stores Inc. to boasting a clientele of 211 in multiple industries; serves on the Rogers-Lowell Area Chamber of Commerce board.

What aspects of your work do you most enjoy? “I get a lot of satisfaction from seeing our designs actually built. But the real satisfaction comes from helping and watching our staff grow and in many cases achieve more than they had originally thought possible.”

When is it appropriate to text for business? “My short answer is never. Clear communication cannot be accomplished through texting. I have seen many times where texting lead to misunderstandings and caused one party to question the intent of the others communication.”

What is your favorite part of living in Northwest Arkansas? “The overall quality of life, which in my mind includes a great environment to raise a family, access to outdoor hobbies and a progressive, growth-oriented community.”

What is your favorite thing to do when you are not working? “Spending time with my wife and two sons, and bass fishing. It’s the best of both worlds when I get to do both together.”

How does one achieve work/life balance? “It’s not popular today to say, but a person has to make personal sacrifices to move up the corporate ladder. However, at the end of the day, your family is by far more important than work.”