THANK YOU to our Police, Fire, and First Responders!
by December 24, 2014 7:10 am 71 views
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL. On the 27th Dec at 10 am at the corner of Rogers Ave. And Waldron Road we will gather to say THANK YOU to Police, Fire, and other First Responders. We are going to show our First Responders that we support them during this Holiday Season. We will have some signs and material to make your own signs. Let's show some support for folks that protect us year round, our Police, Fire, Sheriff, and EMS folks. Of course, we also have Thank our Veterans.
Please join us on the corner of Rogers Avenue and Waldron Road at 10am on 12/27/14 so our Community protectors know we support them and thank them for their hard work and sacrifices!
If you have any questions, please contact Bob Newbold at 479-414-3667.