Arkansas Democratic Delegates’ Empty Chairs

by Jason Tolbert ([email protected]) 101 views 

The picture below is from KARK’s report on the opening day of the Democratic National Convention yesterday. It shows the almost completely empty seats reserved for the Arkansas delegates at the convention as they skipped out on part of the opening night to attend a party honoring President Bill Clinton instead.

From the timeline, it appears they were gone about the same time their party approved perhaps the most far-left platform in history, which affirmed their support for abortion, eliminated any reference to God, and added support for same-sex marriage.

This picture really sums up the current state of the Democratic Party of Arkansas. Rather than show up and speak out against or stand up and support this far-left platform, they take a pass and pretend that it is still 1992. Somehow they believe if they pretend it is not happening perhaps they can avoid talking about it.

But as I discuss in my column for Stephens Media this week, quiet support for President Obama is support all the same. Democrats will spend the next two months before the election trying to change the subject from anything but Obama. But as I explain, Arkansas Democrats are quietly falling in line with their support for Obama and more importantly his failed policies.

Even if they have empty chairs.

UPDATE – Candace Martin, spokesperson for the Democratic Party of Arkansas responded via twitter.

“President Clinton has a very full schedule, as you know. We were honored to host him from 5:00 to 7:00 pm last night. We had over 800 people at our event with President Clinton last night,” said Martin.

The DNC Platform was voted on shortly after 5:00.  So I ask again as I have not heard an answer yet – do the Arkansas Democrats support the platform voted on yesterday by the party?