Congressional Rumors – Gen. Wesley Clark and D.C. Morrison (UPDATED)

by Jason Tolbert ([email protected]) 91 views 

It is getting close enough to next year’s elections that the rumors are starting to fly.  I picked up on a couple this morning.

Max Brantley posted last night that some are buzzing about the possibility of Gen. Wesley Clark running against Congressman Tim Griffin.  Could this be the credible candidate Attorney General Dustin McDaniel has been crowing about? Could be, but then again I am not sure why the former Supreme Allied Commander Europe of NATO would want to run for Congress.  It seems like a step back to me.  Toying with running for President is one thing, but Congress is different.

Why would Clark want everything he has said dissected such as eight years ago where he argued on Hardball that Osama Bin Laden ought to be tried in an international court in The Hague?  Sounds like a lot of hassle just to be 1 vote out of 435.

The latest rumor I’ve heard is down in the Fourth District, where a reader tells me they spotted a “D.C. Morrison for Congress” just outside Sheridan.  I have a message in to Morrison to see if there is anything to it, but it would certainly spice up the Democratic Primary down there.  If you recall, Morrison ran to the right of Blanche Lincoln and Bill Halter in the Democratic Senate primary last year where he pulled in 13 percent.  Pretty impressive for someone most had not heard of until months before.

And south Arkansas was actually where he did the best. Morrison’s conservative Democratic message mainly played well down in Mike Ross country.

UPDATE – This morning Morrison confirmed that he is running for Congress in the Fourth District, although the campaign is still in the early stages.

“I have been going door to door in the Fourth since first week of October,” said Morrison.  “I have received a very warm welcome from all the folks in south Arkansas.  Like me, they are very dissatisfied with our federal government and Congress.”

Morrison mentioned the latest revelation about insider trading by members of Congress as one of the motivating factors in running. “Anyone with a conscience knows that is wrong,” said Morrison.

“I am a one-man campaign right now, I have not raised any money. I wanted to see what I thought my prospects were before I ask people for their hard-earned money. And frankly, I give myself a very good chance,” said Morrison. “I started putting up signs and began developing a web site a few weeks ago.”