Zonta Club of Fort Smith Welcomes Spring with Annual Geranium Sale
by March 1, 2010 3:58 pm 70 views
Zonta Club of Fort Smith Welcomes Spring with Annual Geranium Sale
The Zonta Club of Fort Smith’s annual geranium sale, held on Saturday, April 10th from 8am to 2pm at Sagley and Edwards Realtors, Rogers Ave, Fort Smith, offers beautiful geraniums in red, fuchsia, white, and salmon. These plants will enhance your yards, houses, and businesses from spring until the first frost. While the plants bring beauty to your location, the proceeds support local and international projects which advance the status of women. Local support includes the Single Parent Scholarship Fund, Girls Inc, Esther House, Girls State, Girls Shelter, The Crisis Intervention Center, local breast cancer awareness projects, and a career fair for local junior high girls. Throughout the world, Zonta works toward justice and universal respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Pre-sales of flats of geraniums and giant marigolds end April 5th. Pre-sales guarantee color choices. Presales may be ordered by calling Kim Vann at 479-739-8123 or Shannon Roman at 479-208-3363 or by contacting any area Zonta member. Flats are $27 for 18 plants. Presale plants are to be picked up the day of the sale, Saturday, April 10th, from 8am to noon at the Sagley and Edwards Realtors parking lot in Fort Smith. The day of the sale, individual plants will be available for $1.50 each.