Nontraditional Scavenger Hunt

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Scavenger hunts often require participants to find objects, but now there's one where people themselves are the objects. OARS — Organization of Adult and Returning Students — sponsors an all-day scavenger hunt with the hunters using clue sheets to determine which University of Arkansas-FS faculty and staff had themselves been non-traditional students at one time. The activity is one of the events planned for Non-Traditional Student Week, which is themed "I'm Glad I'm a Non-Trad." Student Jessica Harden of Fort Smith, activities coordinator for OARS, said everyone is welcome to participate. There will be a prize for those who figure out who those individuals are. Hunters must sign up in advance in the OARS student office located in 107 of the Smith-Pendergraft Campus Center or by calling (479) 788-7306 by Nov. 6. Clue sheets will then be available for pick-up at 8 a.m. on Nov. 7. The hunt continues throughout the day until someone gives all the correct answers. Fort Smith Mayor Ray Baker officially kicks off the week 11 a.m. Nov. 5 at the fireplace in the Smith-Pendergraft Campus Center. Additional festivities include a "Let's Talk" event for OARS members with UAFS deans and department chairs on Nov. 6 and an officer luncheon on Nov. 8 for OARS officers and UAFS Chancellor and Mrs. Paul Beran. Juice, coffee and donuts at the fireplace at 8 a.m. Nov. 9 will conclude the week's activities. Free.

All Day.
University of Arkansas-FS
5200 Grand Ave.
Fort Smith, AR
(479) 788-7319 -->