Groundsport Graphics
Owner: John George
Address: 1411 S. Thompson St.,
Phone: 927-0335
Hours: 6:30 a.m.- 6:30 p.m.,
Start-Up Date: March 15
John George has watched the marketing business change in recent years.
“I am very interested in the evolution in marketing,” says George, the founder and owner of this consulting firm. “The evolution of the computer has brought the marketing business wide open.”
Although he majored in accounting in college, John George became more interested in marketing, and so began his career in this field of business. George worked for First National Bank of Springdale from 1992-95 before moving to Springdale Bank & Trust, where he specialized in marketing and business development. “I enjoy the marketing aspect of my job more so than banking,” George admits.
George’s consulting business deals mainly in transportation and retail and he works with fewer than 10 major clients, which is about all he can handle in this one-man venture. “I prefer to focus my expertise on small- and medium-sized businesses,” says George. His expertise includes a wealth of experience in marketing, banking and advertising. George says he hasn’t decided yet whether he will eventually expand the business or keep it at its current size.