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Eureka Developer Set to Sell Properties

There’s at least one voice of economic optimism coming out of the woods over in Carroll County. Joe McClung, a 38-year veteran Realtor in Eureka Springs and owner of two hotels there tells us people are starting to look at investment opportunities in his

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Fire Sale Web Site Expanding

We hear response to Jerry Dou’s Web site, nwafiresale.com, was so spectacular that Realtors in central Arkansas have hired Revolution Technologies of Rogers to develop a statewide version.

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Arvest Web Site Soaring

Speaking of well-traveled Web sites, Arvest Bank customers who choose to bank online instead of stopping by one of the 50 offices in Benton and Washington counties probably noticed a significant change at Arvest.com.

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Free Trade Equals Opportunity (Commentary)

Last year, Arkansas sold nearly $5 billion in exports to world markets, an increase of 74 percent since 2002. That’s good news for Arkansas companies whose sales to some 160 foreign destinations support high-wage jobs across the state and aid the growth o