Tag: big screen peter

by The City Wire staff -

Big Screen Peter: Gone

Gone is a prototypical post-Oscar movie. Which is both the best and worst thing that can be said for it. It's just filler, a sort of cinematic filibuster that is…

by The City Wire staff -

Big Screen Peter: The Descendants

The Descendants is far from perfect. Much like the family it depicts, The Descendants is pockmarked with lulls and awkward moments. Yet these imperfections do little else but varnish the…

by The City Wire staff -

Big Screen Peter: The Help

“The Help” is a broad base, reassuring film. One that alludes to something awful, but with a shoulder pat and a wink, letting us know all is going to be…

by The City Wire staff -

Big Screen Peter: The Artist

Once upon a time, movies were almost entirely focused on physical expression.  Narrative mattered, but for actors the industry was geared around facial contours and body movement. It certainly wasn't…

by The City Wire staff -

Big Screen Peter: Haywire

The irony of Mallory Kane's statement early in “Haywire” that she “doesn't like loose ends” never registers until the credits roll more than an hour later. As the theater goes…