Riff Raff

by Michael Tilley -

Let’s get gassed

There are a few points to make about Fort Smith officials taking a close look at using compressed natural gas (CNG) as a fuel alternative in a portion of its…

by Michael Tilley -

Let’s give a damn

The two daughters at the Tilley home are frequently encouraged to be aware of the world around them; keep their head on a swivel; to make the attempt to walk…

by Michael Tilley -

High on Jesus

Let’s fire this sucker up with a question for the Christians out there. What was your take on Nik Wallenda’s constant pleading for Jesus’ protection and grace and wind-calming abilities…

by Michael Tilley -

The politics of nonsense

Enough already with folks like our United States Senator Mark Pryor of Arkansas saying Obamacare is not so bad because the Republican-controlled legislature in Arkansas voted for a plan to…

by Michael Tilley -

Here we are again

“You will never plow a field by turning it over in your mind.” – Irish proverb Here we are again in Fort Smith with another study. This time it’s an…

by Michael Tilley -

Media smarts

Folks sometimes wonder about the intelligence of us media folks. I was laid off by one of them big newspaper companies, so my IQ must have been below the bar….

by Michael Tilley -

Recycling and gift shops

The urge to save humanity is almost always a false-face for the urge to rule it.
 – H.L. Mencken Recently toured several of the fine museums in Chicago. The city…

by Michael Tilley -

Of game changers and barbecues

The optimist says the HMA deal bringing around 400 new and good-paying jobs to the Fort Smith area is a sign the region can recover from the more than 12,000…

by Michael Tilley -

Francis and football

We have a new Pope. Or maybe it is that the Catholics have a new Pope and the rest of us have a new celebrity. Which is good, because the…

by Michael Tilley -

Billy says make it pretty

Billy, the old friend from the college days at Arkansas Tech University, called this week to get an update on a previous conversation. He’d traveled into Fort Smith a few…

by Michael Tilley -

Cotton’s politics

The shiny new U.S. Rep. Tom Cotton, who with a Republican label represents Arkansas’ expansive and politically diverse 4th Congressional District, isn’t making friends within the national media and what…

by Michael Tilley -

Teenage politics

The older of the young ladies in the Fort Smith branch of the Tilley family is in the process of morphing into a teenager. There is a new sense of…

by Michael Tilley -

Guys like us

It’s just another day, really. Another week. Another month. Another year, one hopes, above the daisies and dirt. But this calendar shift comes with an unavoidable remembrance that, honestly, best…

by Michael Tilley -

The cowards say …

The reaction by politicians and pundits to this horrible-beyond-description tragedy in Connecticut exhausted my reserve tank of benefit-of-the-doubt. Severed fully was any last string of belief in the credibility and…

by Michael Tilley -

Justify the A-10 lobby

In this effort to reverse a decision to remove A-10 war planes now attached to the Fort Smith-based 188th Fighter Wing, much has been made of the unwillingness or inability…

by Michael Tilley -

Doubling down

This continued effort by a few members of the Fort Smith Board of Directors to micromanage city operations is troublesome, puzzling and frustrating. Let’s recap. The Fort Smith Board over…

by Michael Tilley -

Thank you, Raymond

This week we are to remember the military men and women who served this country — especially those who saw combat and those for whom combat was the last thing…

by Michael Tilley -

All thanked up

In this month containing the Thanksgiving holiday, folks on Facebook have taken to listing something each day for which they are thankful. Of the few friends on my little page,…

by Michael Tilley -

Crazy luck

Doyle Webb wishes “good luck” to three legislative candidates who have said slavery was a “blessing in disguise,” all Muslims should be deported, that if slavery were really bad Jesus…

by Michael Tilley -

Education questions

Money, balance and priorities may be the three key take-aways from a series on Arkansas' higher education system. With a recently concluded series of stories, The City Wire reviewed the…