
by Michael Tilley -

Run for the hills

As if you needed more proof of the absolute certainty provided by the Mayan Calendar that the world is going to end Dec. 21, 2012, we have the Japan disaster,…

by Michael Tilley -

Legislative disappointment

In what was often termed a tidal wave, Arkansas Republicans picked up all seven contested Arkansas Senate races and added 16 new Republican House seats to their totals. The end result…

by Michael Tilley -

Running blind

During the course of recent events, I was reminded of a somewhat rambling essay — titled “Brain freight” — first published May 31, 2009, in this space on The City…

by Michael Tilley -

Billy calls with condolences

Billy, the college friend from thousands of years ago, called this week. He had read The City Wire coverage of Mayor Ray Baker’s death. However, once Billy believed the solemnity…