
by Kenny Kinley -

The value of mentoring

Over the years, I have had the privilege to speak to several groups and individuals about leadership, financial planning, sales, personal finance and other related topics. The most common question…

by Mark Zweig -

Avenues to entrepreneurship

It’s always driven me a little bit batty that the business media and pop culture seem to think entrepreneurship is only about starting businesses. It seems like everyone forgets that…

by Paul Holmes -

Turning the corner

It is said that a first-time visitor to New York City from Arkansas, mouth agape as he stared skyward at a forest of construction cranes towering over a maze of…

by Devin Bates -

Unfair competition? Level the playing field

Business clients tell me every day that employees are hard to hire and retain. By now almost everyone has read about or experienced the “great resignation” and its unprecedented levels…

by Stacey Mason -

15 questions to ponder

“The unexamined life is not worth living” is a famous saying supposedly uttered by Socrates. Socrates believed that philosophy — the study of wisdom — was the most important (life)…

by Chuck Hyde -

The flip of a coin

What do you think? You need to fill an open position, and you’re given a choice: either follow your established methods for making a hiring decision or scrap it —…

by Michael Tilley -

Riff Raff: Watch your step

An outline of planned pay raises for more than 1,100 teachers was presented during a Fort Smith Public Schools Board meeting in late April. There was little board discussion about…

by Paul Holmes -

All the buzz

Spring is heading straight into summer in our little corner of the earth. Even without a calendar telling us that spring arrived officially on March 20 and will last until…

by Alan Lewis -

Pay attention to what may come

Beginning in March 2022, the Fed started raising interest rates. These rate increases ended a 14-year era of cheap money. But quickly raising interest rates from essentially zero to current…

by Paul Holmes -

Of disease and ‘dogs’

It has been a long time since I saw the words raccoon dog used in a headline. However, that term has surfaced again and in an unexpected connotation. We in…