
by Daniel Weatherly -

The pros and cons of AI in cyber security

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is growing. Organizations are adopting the technology in different areas throughout. AI has many benefits, but there are growing concerns about its usage including…

by Roy Ockert -

Hoping for journalism leadership at ASU

Pat and I graduated in 1967 as part of the first class to have “university” on our diplomas. After earning a master’s degree at the University of Oklahoma, I returned…

by Buddy Hasten -

More than just electricity

Nearly 90 years ago, electric cooperatives were the first utility to power — and empower — rural Arkansas. Today, the Electric Cooperatives of Arkansas continue to have a wide-ranging economic…

by Erik Dees -

Instead of keeping peace, make peace

Do these thoughts sound familiar? “I don’t want to tick that person off.” “I don’t have time to deal with people’s feelings.” “Don’t rock the boat.” “Maybe if I ignore…

by Roby Brock -

It’s more than the economy, stupid

Every four years, I’m reminded of former Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton’s unheralded election as President of the United States. He entered the 1992 race a year earlier when incumbent President…

by Mark Zweig -

How entrepreneurs really think

As someone who has been the founder of a half dozen businesses, the co-founder of several others, an owner in a half dozen more, an outside board member in still…

by Roby Brock -

Thankful for Northeast Arkansas

I’ve been traveling to Jonesboro and Northeast Arkansas for more than 30 years. Those early memories are fond ones, but not inspiring, though now I see the region in a…

by Gov. Sarah Sanders -

Arkansas is taking off

$100 million. 800 new jobs. Dassault Falcon’s recent investment announcement in Little Rock means a lot of things. More than anything, it shows the new energy that’s pumping through Arkansas’…

by Craig Wilson -

The Affordable Care Act: A Look Back

Ten years ago this month, the major parts of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) became effective. Two of the biggest were the availability of healthcare coverage through Medicaid expansion for low-income adults…