
by Martha Londagin -

Beyond just funding

“Brick and Mortar Banks Are Dead” was the headline of a Business Insider story in October 2011. Other sentiments abound on online financing sites, but in a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem…

by Paul Holmes -

A call to action: Vote!

Overheard recently in the Craighead County office of the DF&A — or what most of us would call the state revenue office: Clerk: “Ma’am, are you registered to vote?” Customer…

by Steve Hoeft -

Know your one thing

I saw a good friend over Easter, and he mentioned a recent accident that taught him an important lesson. He had stepped on a tenpenny nail that went deep in…

by Ruth Hawkins -

Connecting the scenery with the dollars

Twenty years ago, some expressed surprise when a route along Crowley’s Ridge in Eastern Arkansas was designated as the state’s first National Scenic Byway through the U.S. Department of Transportation….

by Brandon Cate -

Restaurants, guns and signs

During the 2017 legislative session, Arkansas enacted two new acts concerning public and private places and concealed handguns. While the act concerning concealed handguns on college campuses received much attention,…

by Anton Janik -

Hacking your vote from inside your head

We recently learned some important lessons about the dangers inherent to losing control of your customer data, either through hacking, internal theft, or from poorly designed controls governing what your…

by Alese Stroud -

Prepare for the coming ‘silver’ storm

Most successful businesses have policies in place to address potential inclement weather. A business may encourage telecommuting in the event of a winter storm, or it might conduct emergency drills…

by Paul Holmes -

Papa, J.R. and the Ol’ Man

Had there been any doubt among our delegation about the primary engines powering Northwest Arkansas’ strong economy, a stop in Springdale on our way to Tulsa about 15 years ago…

by Barbara Taylor -

How many lawyers does it take?

I grew up riding horses. Like all great horse people my trainer had a knack for distilling wisdom into short statements that left no room for argument and little doubt…