
by Leslie Osborn -

A fine line on tax cuts

Before joining the Oklahoma legislature in 2008, I was a small business owner for 22 years. During that time, I learned firsthand how things like red-tape and high taxes could…

by Alan Cole -

Another banner year ahead

There has been amazing growth and activity in the commercial real estate (CRE) market in Northwest Arkansas consistently over the past decade. In fact, according to data from Costar, in…

by Tina Sewell -

Home buying forecast: Trends to know

Expect 2019 to be another strong year for the Northwest Arkansas real estate market, even though the national home buying picture may be somewhat meager in comparison. Nationally, home buying…

by Cam Patterson -

For a better state of health

Every January as the new year rolls around, the United Health Foundation releases its America’s Health rankings showing how the health of Arkansans compares with other American states. We use…

by Mike Preston -

A look back and into the future

In 2018, the Arkansas Economic Development Commission (AEDC) completed 216 business recruitment, retention and expansion projects. That translates to more than 4,300 new jobs, with a capital investment of $1.6…

by Clint Lazenby -

Walmart.com’s right to win

Depending how Apple and Walmart performed in the month of December will determine who finishes the year No. 3 in American online sales for 2018. Assuming Walmart continues its winning…

by Jon Chadwell -

Will your small town die?

Many prognosticators are predicting the death of small-town America. Statistics from the census department seem to concur. About 81% of Americans are classified as living in an urban environment. Small…

by L.J. Bryant -

Diversity leads to better decisions

In politics, a word can become divisive. This can be said of the word “diversity” as well as phrases like “healthcare reform.” You might ask what these two things have…

by Kent Middleton -

On-trend: Marketing in 2019

Scroll. Like. Scroll. Repeat. Now more than ever, American consumers are adopting an “always-on” mentality. We’re endlessly surfing the web, swiping through Instagram or streaming the latest hit show on…

by Michael Tilley -

Riff Raff: Still on the watch …

Editor’s note: This essay first appeared Dec. 28, 2008, on The City Wire, now Talk Business & Politics. It continues to be an appropriate note to begin a new year.