
by Michael Tilley -

Riff Raff: No public, no problem

The who-drew-the-map? game a few folks have played with Sebastian County Quorum Court redistricting is disturbing, disappointing and would be comically clumsy if transparency weren’t such an important part of…

by Sylvester Smith -

Shop local on Small Business Saturday

It hasn’t been an easy couple of years for Arkansas’ small businesses, beginning with the pandemic and continuing with the resulting labor shortage and breaks in the supply chain. But…

by Stacey Mason -

A conversation on perspective

There’s an improv exercise I love called Fortunately/Unfortunately. A handful of people stand in a circle and move a storyline forward by adding information as players alternate between fortunately and…

by Paul Holmes -

Santa and the supply chain

We won’t have Black Friday for more than a month, but already we’re being urged to part with our green now. Reuters is reporting that Americans are expected to spend…

by Craig Wilson -

Don’t build a market with plans to tear it down

Resistance to the Affordable Care Act remains strong in 12 holdout states, where policymakers have declined to expand Medicaid coverage to low-income residents, despite the availability of lucrative incentives included…

by Chrissy Chatham -

Getting to the root of oral health

The Delta Dental of Arkansas Foundation is on a mission to transform oral health. Today, Arkansas is ranked 49th for our dental wellness. According to a 2021 WalletHub report, we…

by Mark Hodges -

Passwords are so passé

A seed was planted in 1960 that is causing major problems with our lives today. That year, the Compatible Time-Sharing System (CTSS) was introduced at MIT. It was the first…

by Chuck Hyde -

Got skills?

In January, the world’s best cyclocross professionals will arrive in Northwest Arkansas, ready to ride (and at times carry) their bikes through some of the most challenging terrain any of…