
by Michael Tilley -

Riff Raff: A welcome pivot

Self-recognizing a hubris-induced mistake and turning to humility-driven corrective collaboration often results in a better outcome. So it is with the Fort Smith Board of Directors and their collective pivot…

by Trav Baxter -

Strategizing farm succession

For various reasons, fewer and fewer family farms are passing on to the next generation. Recent economic, weather and political events have certainly set forth a bumpy road for those…

by Paul Holmes -

Two little words

I’m often accused by my friends of using 10 words when two will do. OK, I’m guilty. So in an effort to mend my loquacious ways, I’ll focus for the…

by Chuck Hyde -

‘Future-flex’ your business

The 2022 State of Talent Optimization Report is out, and the results are shouting. The Great Resignation (aka, The Big Quit) has dominated headlines. Workers are tired and frustrated, now…

by Randy Zook -

Be Pro Be Proud addressing workforce challenges

Arkansas businesses across the industry spectrum have long-faced a well-known workforce problem: an increasing percentage of their highly technical-skilled employees are at or nearing retirement age and an adequate pipeline…

by Kerri Jackson Case -

Let them read the books

I spent a lot of time growing up in the school library. For reasons smacking of irony, that was where they sent girls who “talked too much” in class. So…

by Mark Zweig -

Entrepreneurial misconceptions

One of the significant aspects of entrepreneurship is that it’s an option for virtually anyone who wants to do it. Every type of person — every age, sex, size, race,…

by Paul Holmes -

On Covidism

It is said that travel broadens one’s horizons and I believe that is true in virtually every instance. There is always something that can be learned from getting out from…

by Mark Zweig -

The year ahead

It’s hard to believe 2021 is almost over. With as long as 2020 was, this year just flew by. There is so much happening here in Northwest Arkansas that it…

by Paul Holmes -

The biggest non-event ever

Do you remember the devastating Dec. 3, 1990, earthquake in the New Madrid Seismic Zone? You know, the one that claimed thousands of lives, destroyed billions of dollars of infrastructure…