
by Stacey Mason -

Improv advice in translation

Most advice is worthy of thorough examination. Often advice about one discipline — with just a bit of translation — has meaning in other disciplines. This translation process allows for…

by Chuck Hyde -

You can’t be what you’re not around

Generally, every season has an off-season. For example, it’s now the baseball off-season. Off-seasons serve at least two primary purposes: rest and recovery from the season that just concluded and…

by Melania Powell -

Tax-efficient investing

There are various types of real estate investments. Each has different tax strategies; however, in this commentary, we will solely focus on direct investment in commercial, residential and multifamily properties….

by Courtney Brown -

Step up for students

The Saturday farmers market was closed, but the River Market was packed to near capacity for the Little Rock School District’s (LRSD) Spirit Fest with excited kids, educators and families….

by Mark Hodges -

I just want it to work

You know the euphoria — when you bought that new gadget, brought it home, followed the instructions, and for some unknown reason, it worked! We all get excited in those…

by Erik Dees -

Manage the mutation

In the 1950s, kids with cystic fibrosis (CF) rarely lived past the age of 10. The lack of understanding of the genetic defect that caused CF left medical researchers aimlessly…

by Stacey Mason -

Building the right culture

I wonder how many people can say that they’ve ever had their dream job. For me, it’s happened twice — the work I do now and the last role I…

by Joshua Montanez -

Valuing your key employees

These past few years have come with many changes to the business landscape. Successful businesses are learning to adapt with workplace trends like the Great Resignation. The two keys to…

by Robert Spears -

Stay the course

It’s been a turbulent year for many Americans, and the current market volatility probably isn’t giving many of us sweet dreams. Still, it will be vital that we stay the…

by Paul Holmes -

Eugene’s blue jeans

I can’t remember the exact date but I believe it was in the spring of 2000 that Eugene (the English approximation of my Ukraine visitor’s name), asked if we could…

by Mark Zweig -

The language of business

With the current issue of the Northwest Arkansas Business Journal focused on accounting and finance — two subjects near and dear to my heart as someone who teaches in a…

by Chuck Hyde -

What’s your incentive?

Is it just me, or are coffee shops always cold? For several reasons, I spend a lot of time in coffee shops, none of which are because I like coffee…

by Jake Fair -

SALT deduction parity

Historically, individuals have been able to deduct income, property and certain other state and local taxes as an itemized deduction on individual federal income tax returns — referred to as…