
by Michael Tilley -

Recycling for Earth Day

Editor’s note: This essay first appeared Aug. 1, 2009. It runs here again because Earth Day is April 22 and we believe recycling an essay will help save a piece…

by Michael Tilley -

Regarding Rosey, again

We’ve received a few more real letters from a real reader. As we noted in our first conversation with Rosey’s owner, we’re not sure about the dog, or the story…

by Michael Tilley -

Finding Madonna

There he was, Anthony Bourdain, visiting with a French vineyard owner about what makes the grapes in his field taste different compared to the same class of grapes growing just…

by Michael Tilley -

Billy returns

Billy, an old college friend recently dropped in for a chat. He finds amusing this recent spectacle of folks showing up at Fort Smith board meetings to harangue board members…

by Michael Tilley -

Anger management

This is a request for you, Kind Reader, to compartmentalize your animosity toward the steaming pile of federal government that has forgotten that natural fertilizer becomes toxic when spread too…

by Michael Tilley -

As it once was

The thing you need to know about Fort Smith Mayor Ray Baker is that he’s tremendously more interested in ensuring cheap and convenient television access to local religious programming and…

by Michael Tilley -

Regarding Rosey

The following is a real letter. From a real person. We’re not sure about the dog. Or the story about the dog. But we do take this opportunity to reply…

by Michael Tilley -

You want me to support what?

What follows will be a series of observations, lists and explainers all presented in a possibly naive hope they will clear the fog of misinformation, poor information and no information…

by Michael Tilley -

Unimportant things

There are a lot of important things we could discuss. Our world of local, state and federal politics are awash in oddities, what ifs and what the hells. The primary…

by Michael Tilley -

Parker’s big pipe

Kyle Parker has a big, big, big pipe to play with. That short starter sentence is silly double entendre that high-falutin’ folks will label sophomoric and wholly unnecessary until they…