Cook’s Outlook

by Michael Cook -

Michael Cook: Standing For Something

On Wednesday, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette columnist and TB&P contributor John Brummett penned an online column arguing that modern Arkansas Democrats don’t seem to stand for anything other an winning. Brummett argues…

by Michael Cook -

Cook: You Might Be A Private Option Supporter If…

Last week an impressive thing happened in Arkansas politics. A Republican-controlled state Legislature voted overwhelmingly to continue the Private Option, aka Obamacare, for the next two years. A Republican-controlled state…

by Michael Cook -

Cook: GOP’s Benghazi Bubble Bursts

When bad news needs to be publicly released, one strategy to mitigate the political damage is to dump the news on a Friday evening. The bad news is reported on…

by Michael Cook -

Cook: When Did Pat Hays Attack French Hill?

This week, Second District GOP Congressional candidate French Hill hit the panic button, in my estimation. On Tuesday, Hill began running a negative ad against his Democratic opponent, Pat Hays,…