Cook: New DGA Ads ‘Serve Up’ Asa Hutchinson

by Michael Cook ([email protected]) 424 views 

The political television ads are clogging up the airwaves making it tough for voters to discern one spot from another.

But two new ads from the Democratic Governors Association might help break through the clutter. You can view the new ads at the bottom of this post.

The ads are set to run statewide and it’s apparently a six-figure ad buy.

The ads feature a ‘Ms. Kay’ from Scott, Arkansas, as well as Matt Bell, chef/owner of South on Main. The ads go after Asa Hutchinson for voting for tax breaks for millionaires, but voting against tax breaks for small businesses and working families.

What stands out about these slightly whimsical ads is Ms. Kay and the effective simplicity of the message. She strikes you as the iconic strong, no-nonsense Southern woman we all know and respect. The ads messages are simple: Asa Hutchinson supported Wall Street and not Main Street.

At the end of one ad, titled “Served,” Matt Bell of Little Rock hands Ms. Kay a plate of food and she closes with: “This smells a lot better than what Asa’s been cooking.”

Great line.

The second ad, titled “Butter,” which also features Ms. Kay, includes criticism from Marietta, a mother-of-three from Benton, who says Hutchinson opposed tax relief for Arkansas families.

“Darling, that is like a biscuit with no butter,” Ms. Kay replies.

Another zinger.

Hopefully we’ll see more of these types of ads. They are effective and memorable.