Author: Jason Tolbert

by Jason Tolbert -

Democrats Attack AFP Ad

As Roby Brock reported Monday night, Gov. Beebe has taken exception to an ad from Americans for Prosperity that said, “We can make (Arkansas) a better place to live.”  The…

by Jason Tolbert -

McDaniel Winks At The Pro-Choice Crowd

Attorney General Dustin McDaniel tries to walk a tight rope on social issues in Arkansas as he prepares for his upcoming run for governor.  As a Democrat, he has to…

by Jason Tolbert -

Huckabee Rolls Out Several Arkansas Endorsements

Former Gov. Mike Huckabee rolled out several endorsements of Arkansas candidates Friday through his political action committee – HuckPAC. In the Congressional races, Huckabee endorsed Congressman Rick Crawford in the…

by Jason Tolbert -

Beebe Requests Ethanol Waiver From EPA

Gov. Mike Beebe joined other elected officials, such as Congressman Rick Crawford, this month in requesting a waiver from the Environmental Protection Agency on ethanol mandates under the Renewable Fuel…

by Jason Tolbert -

Pro-Nickels Mailer Cites Rumor As Fact

Last week, Talk Business reported on a mailing from the conservative group, Americans for Prosperity, which hit several Democratic state legislators for their vote to raise billions in taxes in…