Author: Jason Tolbert

by Jason Tolbert -

Davy Carter Expected To Announce He Is Out

Arkansas politicos spent Thursday wondering if House Speaker Davy Carter would announce his anticipated decision regarding whether he would run for Governor or if it would come on Friday.  He…

by Jason Tolbert -

Is GOP Primary Geography Shifting?

Conventional wisdom in a Republican primary is that the candidate from northwest Arkansas has a strong enough advantage that they are difficult to beat.  I wrote about this back in…

by Jason Tolbert -

Mike Ross Comes Out Against School Choice

Former Congressman Mike Ross has been busy speaking around the state gearing up for the Democratic primary for Governor against former Lt. Governor Bill Halter.  Yesterday, his tour took him…

by Jason Tolbert -

Missouri Punts On Medicaid Expansion

It looks like our neighbors to the north are going to punt, at least for now, on Medicaid expansion.  According to Politico, Missouri state legislators chose to send the issue…

by Jason Tolbert -

Scott Walker Addresses Arkansas Crowd

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker was in Arkansas last week. I was not able to attend but Arkansas Young Republicans Central Arkansas Chairman Heather Browning was there and passes along this report……