Author: Michael Tilley

by Michael Tilley -

Run for the hills

As if you needed more proof of the absolute certainty provided by the Mayan Calendar that the world is going to end Dec. 21, 2012, we have the Japan disaster,…

by Michael Tilley -

Legislative disappointment

In what was often termed a tidal wave, Arkansas Republicans picked up all seven contested Arkansas Senate races and added 16 new Republican House seats to their totals. The end result…

by Michael Tilley -

Running blind

During the course of recent events, I was reminded of a somewhat rambling essay — titled “Brain freight” — first published May 31, 2009, in this space on The City…

by Michael Tilley -

Billy calls with condolences

Billy, the college friend from thousands of years ago, called this week. He had read The City Wire coverage of Mayor Ray Baker’s death. However, once Billy believed the solemnity…

by Michael Tilley -

Not a big deal, but …

It’s not a big deal, and may possibly be a minor waste of time when considering all the important things on which folks in this region are or should be…

by Michael Tilley -


Enough already about what I’m thinking. Let’s pick your brain using the following multiple choice exercise. The national economy will improve: 1. as the housing and commercial building inventories reach…

by Michael Tilley -

Opportunities possible

Might we consider that the 2010 Census numbers released Thursday (Feb. 10) are more than just numbers tracking population growth and shifts. They may also contain insight into opportunities missed…

by Michael Tilley -

All bark

They call a recent bill designed to nip the temptation of nefarious activity among Arkansas legislators an ethics reform bill, which was, after reading the bill, a piece of literature…

by Michael Tilley -

Billy and the Senator

Billy, the college friend from thousands of years ago, called this week. He’s equal parts amused and alarmed about the driving habits of a certain Arkansas Senator. Also, Billy continues…

by Michael Tilley -

Do the 1%. Now.

The Fort Smith Board of Directors should by ordinance enact a 1% prepared food tax to support the operations and maintenance of the Fort Smith Convention Center. It is part…

by Michael Tilley -

Miss Eady’s reminder

They say she was robbed. Don’t know much about that, but it’s safe to say Alyse Eady was deserving of the crown.  Also know she was a dang sight prettier…

by Michael Tilley -

Continuing the SOB watch

Editor’s note: This essay first appeared Dec. 28, 2008, on The City Wire. It continues to be an appropriate note to begin a new year. It’s just another day, really….

by Michael Tilley -

More or less

Here’s to hoping our 2011 is better than 2010. And following are a few specific hopes, more or less, for the next year. More active recruitment of jobs and companies…

by Michael Tilley -

Wiki worries

This thing with Wikileaks hits close to home. As you may know, Julian Assange and Wikileaks have published hundreds of thousands of documents that reveal often embarrassing information about the…

by Michael Tilley -

Dear Santa:

Dear Santa: Consider me back among those who believe. And, knowing that to return I must have once departed the faithful, forgive the years of not sharing in the Ho,…

by Michael Tilley -

Homeschool teams dominate BEST robotics

Editor’s note: At the end of this report are posted several photos of the Saturday robotics competition. The 2010 Frontier Trails BEST Regional Robotics Competition was dominated by homeschoolers, with…

by Michael Tilley -

12,000, again

Editor’s note: Following is a repeat of an essay first published Dec. 13, 2009, following the overwhelming success of the first Christmas Honors. The essay is republished here as a…