Author: Mark Zweig

by Mark Zweig -

Prepare for the unexpected

Across America, but particularly in Northwest Arkansas, we are in an unprecedented boom period of growth and expansion. Everything looks good. The Northwest Arkansas metro unemployment rate is only 1.5%….

by Mark Zweig -

Entrepreneurial misconceptions

One of the significant aspects of entrepreneurship is that it’s an option for virtually anyone who wants to do it. Every type of person — every age, sex, size, race,…

by Mark Zweig -

The year ahead

It’s hard to believe 2021 is almost over. With as long as 2020 was, this year just flew by. There is so much happening here in Northwest Arkansas that it…

by Mark Zweig -

COVID is not going away

Let’s face it. Despite a wide range of efforts, COVID-19 and all of its current and future variants aren’t going to go away for a long, long time, if ever….

by Mark Zweig -

Those ‘other’ entrepreneurs

We have many entrepreneurs in Northwest Arkansas. Of course, the best-known entrepreneurs from our recent past are Sam Walton, Don Tyson and J.B. Hunt. Others are lesser-known, but entrepreneurs nevertheless….

by Mark Zweig -

Make people like you

If you are in business and want to do well, it sure helps if people like you. You are much more likely to be successful if you are likable. It…

by Mark Zweig -

Numbers are the language of business

Numbers are the language of business. If you own or work in a business and don’t understand the numbers of that business, you will not be able to do your…

by Mark Zweig -

Burned-out business owners

I was talking the other day with a friend of mine who owns a business in Northwest Arkansas. He has been luckier than most through this thing and has managed…

by Mark Zweig -

An honest assessment

Editor’s note: The following commentary appeared in the March 16 edition of the Northwest Arkansas Business Journal. Recent reporting would lead most people to believe the Washington County housing market…

by Mark Zweig -

State of the A/E industry

I may be known locally for the houses and other buildings we built or rebuilt through our design-build-development company Mark Zweig Inc. But the truth is, the other business I…

by Mark Zweig -

Business planning for existing businesses

Everyone wants to talk about business planning for newly-created businesses or startups. But the truth is, existing businesses need business plans, too. They are critical for rallying the troops, crucial…