Cotton Sends Constituents A Second Mailer On Farm Bill

by Talk Business & Politics staff ([email protected]) 90 views 

For the second time in a month, Cong. Tom Cotton (R), who is challenging Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor, has used Congressional franking privileges to send a mailer to constituents regarding his vote on the Farm Bill.

Cotton opposed an early version of the bill, advocating for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provisions to be considered separately. Cotton said at the time that the House could make deeper cuts to the SNAP funding than the $20 billion over 10 years proposed in the failed bill a few weeks earlier. He later voted for a bill that is in conference committee.

While a Cotton spokesman defended the mailer, which was approved by a bipartisan Congressional panel, Pryor’s campaign manager is crying foul.

Peter Urban with Stephens Media’s Washington, D.C. bureau reports:

“Congressman Cotton’s my-way-or-the highway attitude is why we still don’t have a farm bill, and now he’s spending our taxpayer dollars to promote himself,” said Jeff Weaver, Pryor’s campaign manager.

The latest Cotton mailer is a two-page piece illustrated with stock photos that include a small herd of dairy cows standing outside a snow-covered red barn. Overlaying the image is text that reads: “Now more than ever, Arkansas farmers need a helping hand. Congressman Tom Cotton has our back.”

In smaller type, the mailer offers some details explaining Cotton’s reasons for opposing a farm bill that included spending for nutrition programs and supporting a separated version.

On the flip side is another bucolic scene where a man is walking down a snow-covered path with two dogs. Overlaying the image is text that reads: “Congressman Tom Cotton has your back.”

The first mailer, sent to constituents in December, had similar text but different illustrations.

Read more at this link.