Notes From The Campaign Trail 9.17.13

by Roby Brock ([email protected]) 101 views 

A compilation of inbox media advisories, press releases, tips, news clips, and notes from the campaign trail:

The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) is launching a new web-based campaign ad aimed at Sen. Mark Pryor (D). The web video, “Safari,” claims Pryor was “a liberal when no one is looking.”

In the 60-second video, a narrator with a British accent takes viewers on a “Senate Safari” and describes how Pryor is part of a “rare species” known as “liberalist politicianist.” A variety of safari footage is mixed into the ad in an attempt to tie Pryor to Pres. Obama. The ad hits Pryor for his support of raising the debt ceiling and voting for the federal health care law.

“For more than a decade Mark Pryor has attempted to camouflage his steadfast support of President Obama’s costly agenda – 93% of the time to be exact. Over the next 15 months, the NRSC will relentlessly remind Arkansans that by Mark Pryor’s own admission, Pryor believes Arkansas should elect a Senator who puts Obama first – revealing that he is committed to seeing President Obama’s liberal agenda fully implemented over the next two years,” said NRSC Press Secretary Brook Hougesen.

You can watch the ad here.

Second District Cong. Tim Griffin (R) sent a new letter to Gary Pruessing, president of ExxonMobil, in the wake of the Pegasus pipeline rupture. In his latest letter, Griffin quizzes Pruessing for answers to four questions based on a recent meeting with company officials to explain some of the technical reports related to the pipeline disaster.

“Like most Arkansans, I have continuing concern regarding the operation of the ExxonMobil Pegasus pipeline and events that led up to the spill in Mayflower. It is essential that the lingering questions over the safety of the pipeline be addressed, and that’s why I’ve called on ExxonMobil to provide answers to these specific questions. I will continue to demand answers so that we may fully understand the cause of this terrible spill and ensure the safety of the drinking water for 400,000 Arkansans.”

A copy of Rep. Griffin’s letter to ExxonMobil can be found here.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) issued a statement claiming Cong. Tim Griffin has signed a letter “expressing support for a government shutdown.”

The letter in reference is one signed by 80 House Republicans to Speaker John Boehner calling for any spending bills to cut funding for Obamacare.

“Congressman Tim Griffin’s dysfunctional politics are yet again standing in the way of budget solutions and are now threatening a total government shutdown that could cause even more lost wages for Arkansas defense workers and uncertainty for military families,” said David Bergstein of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. “Arkansans want Congressman Griffin to cut spending by ending tax giveaways to millionaires and billionaires – but instead, Congressman Griffin’s dysfunctional politics are threatening military families and defense workers with more lost wages and unpaid furloughs. It is past time for Congressman Griffin to stop standing in the way of solutions and putting his dysfunctional Washington politics over Arkansas families.”

If you didn’t catch it, “dysfunctional” is the word of the day.

Earlier last month when Gov. Mike Beebe threw his full support behind Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mike Ross, it wasn’t a surprise. The political world knew that Beebe and Ross would embrace owing to their long history and political party affiliation.

The real speculation is how involved Beebe would be in the Ross campaign, and more importantly, how active the popular two-term Governor might help Ross raise money. Question answered.

Beebe is hosting a Ross campaign kick-off event this Saturday night, Sept. 21 at the Statehouse Convention Center in Little Rock. “Blue Jeans, Boots & BBQ With Beebe” is the name of the event, which starts at 6 pm.

The invite for the event has more than 150 hosts and co-hosts listed. There are a large number of Democratic legislators, long-time Democratic politicos, and quite a few lobbyists. Some other notable names include:

  • Businessman Frank Fletcher
  • Dianne Curry, who exited the Lt. Governor’s race earlier this summer
  • Signature Bank President Gary Head
  • Simmons First CEO-elect George Makris
  • Summit Bank Chairman and CEO Ross Whipple
  • James Lee Witt
  • Advertising executive Wayne Woods
  • Brent Bumpers, Nate Coulter & Sam Ledbetter