Democratic Rep. Nate Steel Eyes Attorney General Race

by Jason Tolbert ([email protected]) 98 views 

Several notable Democrats have briefly considered then backed off running for Attorney General next year when Dustin McDaniel leaves due to term limits.

Sen. Robert Thompson considered running before bowing out in May saying he would seek re-election.  Attention then turned to Rep. Mary Broadaway, but she also has opted to seek re-election to her House seat announcing this week on Facebook.

Another strong contender has surfaced today. State Rep. Nate Steel of Nashville confirms today that he is taking a look at the race and sees a potential opportunity for a campaign for Attorney General.

“Any lawyer in Arkansas would be honored to be lawyer for the state,” said Steel. “I feel like I very well may be a suitable candidate this year.”

Steel says he will be watching the field closely to see who gets in and this will have a large impact on his decision.  He emphasized that this does not mean only Democratic candidates, but Republicans as well who he feels could do a good job – pointing specifically to candidates like House Speaker Davy Carter – who announced last week that he will not seek any office in 2014 as he heads back to the private sector in banking.  He also cited Rep. Matthew Shepherd of El Dorado – who has been mentioned as a potential candidate for Attorney General, Congress, or House Speaker.

“There are no other jobs I could imagine running for other than Attorney General or re-election (to his House seat),” said Steel who has one two-year term remaining before he is term-limited.

Steel said he feels like his experience as a legislator and as a former Deputy Prosecuting Attorney and county attorney for Howard County has uniquely prepared him for the Attorney General’s office.

And he would certainly be a credible candidate.  With former south Arkansas Congressman Mike Ross running for Governor in a primary against Bill Halter, the turnout could benefit him in May.  His crossover appeal and history of working in a bi-partisan manner in the legislature could help him in November in a year when Republicans may have a leg up.

So far no other Democrats have announced although other names are rumored to be considering the race.  On the Republican side, North Little Rock attorney David Sterling has announced and former RNC attorney Leslie Rutledge is expected to announce soon.