Arkansas Democrats’ Big Weekend

by Michael Cook ([email protected]) 66 views 

This weekend, hundreds of Arkansas Democrats gather in Little Rock for the annual Jefferson-Jackson Dinner and biennial State Convention. The excitement level is very high for Arkansas Democrats this year as evidenced by one of the major events being already sold out.

On Saturday, Democrats hold their State Convention at the Wyndham Hotel in North Little Rock.

Democrats will hear remarks from various Democratic elected officials and get updates from Party officials on their activities.  At lunchtime, Democrats will hear from Drew Westen, author of “The Political Brain,” which should be required reading for any Democrat involved in politics.

I”ve previously attended one of Westen”s speeches and they are very informative and inspiring.

Democrats will also vote on the Party Platform, which unlike recent platforms of the Republic Party of Arkansas, will not cal

l for a sales tax increase.

On Saturday night, Democrats hold their Jefferson-Jackson Dinner at Verizon Arena in North Little Rock.  Would you like to buy a ticket? Too late – the event is already sold-out and there is a waiting list. Over 1,500 people will hear from Governor Mike Beebe and other Democratic dignitaries.

There are other Democratic events held in conjunction with this weekend.  Directly after the J-J Dinner, the Arkansas Black Caucus is sponsoring a “J-J After-Mixer” at River Trail Station on 140 Riverfront Drive in North Little Rock.  On Friday night, the Young Democrats of Arkansas hold their “Jefferson-Jackson After Dark” at Club Sway in downtown Little Rock.

As a former DPA Executive Director, who has organized these previous events for Democrats, I can tell you they”re a lot of fun and a great way to visit with Democrats from across the state.

If you”d like more information about the big Democratic weekend, go to to learn more.
