Leadership Crawford County seeks nominations for new class

by The City Wire staff ([email protected]) 65 views 

The Leadership Crawford County Advisory Committee is accepting nominations for the 2009-2010 leadership class. Applicants must be at least 21 years of age, be a resident or employed in Crawford County for at least the past year.

The LCC program is an educational program that focuses on key community issues and leadership skills. The year begins with a two-day retreat that focuses on team building and the continued development of leadership skills such as communication, problem solving and conflict resolution.

Eleven monthly day long sessions offer solid, firsthand information and provide opportunities for dialogue about community issues including a history of area leadership, local government, law enforcement, economic development, health, human services, state government and education.

The intent of Leadership Crawford County is that graduates of the program make a commitment to continue their involvement in the community. This involvement may consist of serving on boards, working with various agencies, or undertaking a community project that addresses some identified need.

LCC offers programs from August until June. Class members are required to attend the 11 full-day sessions, orientation, and the opening and closing overnight retreats. There is a $300 tuition fee and the participant must pay at least $50 of the total fee. The balance can be paid by the participant, his/her sponsor or employer.

To learn more about how to participate in the program or to nominate someone contact Volunteer Coordinator, Cathy Gifford at 459-3351. Nomination deadline is May 31.