Introducing the Northeast Arkansas Women in Business Class of 2024

by Roby Brock ([email protected]) 6 views 

We are pleased to introduce to you the 2024 class of Northeast Arkansas Women in Business award winners. 

This is our sixth year producing this award for the region, and we are excited with the distinguished group of nominees we received. This year we’ve selected 10 honorees from the many worthy candidates that were submitted. 

The women highlighted in this latest issue of NEA Talk Business & Politics are building Northeast Arkansas into a regional destination — a great place to live, work, play and connect. They are entrepreneurial in spirit, dedicated to improvement personally and professionally, and certainly civic and community-minded in their endeavors.

Congratulations to the Women in Business honorees of 2024. We hope you enjoy reading their profiles. We are proud of these women and all they do for Northeast Arkansas.