Arkansas Democrats Run From “Democrat” Label In New Ad

by Jason Tolbert ([email protected]) 118 views 

I have spent the last week doing in-depth research in the swing state of Florida.  I figured the best way to do this was to spend a week at Disney World.  Although I was able to obtain a definite opinion from Mickey, Romney seemed to edge out Obama on the ads running on CNN at least at my hotel.

Meanwhile back in Arkansas, it seems that the Democrat label has gotten so bad this year that the Democratic Party of Arkansas is running ads in an effort to convince voters that they are not really the same thing as national Democrats.

“Arkansas Democrats are not Washington Democrats,” states an ad linking state candidates to Gov. Beebe instead of President Obama.  Understandably, Arkansas Republicans are having a bit of fun with it.

“Just days before the presidential election, Arkansas Democrats are scrambling to run away from Barack Obama, possibly to the surprise of the President’s most die-hard supporters across the state,” said Republican Party of Arkansas Communications Director Katherine Vasilos. “Clearly state Democrats know voters will hold them accountable for their support of the President’s unpopular policies and are doing everything in their power to hold onto 138 years of one-party control.”

Vasilos has a point here.  And if state Democrats are so different, why didn’t any of their state delegates at the national convention stand up to the extreme leftist party platform?  What issues do they disagree with President Obama specifically?

It is a weak and difficult argument, but we will see how it plays out on Tuesday.