Consultant sought in Fort Smith Public School Board superintendent search

by Tina Alvey Dale ([email protected]) 389 views 

The Fort Smith Public Schools Board of Education will meet in a special called meeting Jan. 7 to review possible firms to help with the search for a new superintendent for the school district with more than 13,000 students and more than 2,000 employees.

The district published a requests for qualifications (RFQ) for a search firm to help the district find qualified candidates Friday (Dec. 20).

Dr. Courtney Morawski, wife of FSPS Superintendent Dr. Terry Morawski, on Monday (Dec. 16) was named the lone finalist for Granbury Independent School District superintendent of schools in Granbury, Texas.

Texas law requires a 21-day waiting period before a contract can be signed, which means it is not definite she will take the position until Jan. 6. However, Terry Morawski told the board that if all goes as planned he intends to submit his letter of resignation once her contract is signed, said School Board President Dalton Person. Morawski said he will leave at the end of this contract year on June 30.

The RFQ, published on the district’s website, states the district is looking for proposals and statements of qualifications from consulting firms to provide executive search consultant services for the position of the district’s superintendent of schools.

The school board intends to engage the selected consultant for however long is necessary to select the best qualified candidate. The board intends that the selected superintendent candidate begin employment under contract by July 1, the RFQ states.

Following are some of the basic scope of services the consultant will provide the board.
• Conduct board designated, external candidate aspects of the superintendent search and recruitment process, including handling the logistics of the process, within a reasonable timetable as directed by the board

• Develop and maintain the community’s trust in the recruitment and selection process, and work with the board to develop a plan and timeline for the search

• Assist the board in advertising and conducting a search that generates a diversified pool of highly qualified, external candidates to be considered in addition to internal candidates, if any

• Prepare and distribute materials as necessary to advertise the superintendent position to external candidates

• Coordinate and facilitate the interview process, and maintain communication with all candidates, respond to candidate inquiries and requests for information, as appropriate, and assist the district in reviewing and preparing such responses

• Assist the board in narrowing a list of finalists by screening, evaluating, and ranking qualified applicants. Provide a report on each applicant using criteria established by the board

• Conduct reference and background checks on all interviewees, as required, including extensive reference checks on all finalists