Simmons First announces executive management changes, including new CEO

by Talk Business & Politics staff ([email protected]) 3,659 views 

Simmons First National Bank Corp., the Pine Bluff-based parent company of Simmons Bank, announced its CEO George Makris would move to a new role in the financial institution. That move set off other moves in the executive management team.

The changes will be effective on Jan. 1, 2023.

George Makris, Jr., Simmons’ current chairman and chief executive officer, will assume the role of full-time executive chairman of Simmons.

Makris has been a director of the company since 1997 and has served as its chief executive officer since 2014. In his new role, Makris will continue to lead Simmons’ boards of directors as their chairman and will work directly with Simmons’ chief executive officer and the other executive management members on strategic initiatives and smooth leadership transition.

Robert “Bob” Fehlman, Simmons’ current president and chief operating officer, will assume the role of chief executive officer of Simmons. Fehlman has worked for either the company or its affiliates since 1988. Following the transition, Fehlman will lead the development of Simmons’ “better bank” initiatives and will manage the day-to-day responsibilities commensurate with the duties of the chief executive officer.

James “Jay” Brogdon, Simmons’ current executive vice president and chief financial officer, will assume the role of president and chief financial officer of Simmons. Brogdon joined Simmons in 2021 after holding positions at Stephens Inc. and Deloitte. In addition to his current responsibilities, in his new role, Brogdon will also assume oversight of all revenue production for the company and the bank.

“Simmons has developed an outstanding bank management team – one that is deep on talent and experience but also has a long runway ahead of them,” said George Makris, Jr., Simmons’ chairman and chief executive officer. “I am, therefore, very proud that our organization will be making these changes now to provide expanded leadership within the excellent banking team we have built.”