Former GOP chair Doyle Webb vying for national co-chair title

by Roby Brock ([email protected]) 959 views 

After a 12-year run, former Republican Party of Arkansas chairman Doyle Webb is seeking higher office at the national level.

Webb, who led the state GOP during its historic rise to political dominance, is a candidate for co-chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC). The vote will be the weekend of Jan. 8, following an expected roiling week of politics that will include a run-off election for two Georgia Senate seats to control one-half of Congress, a challenge to the Electoral College and 2020 Presidential election results, and a Republican President stirring political unrest to stay in office.

In an interview with Talk Business & Politics taped before Christmas, Webb said he would accept the Electoral College vote, but he also supported the legal challenges that were in process.

“I accept the vote of the Electoral College, but also support any litigation that is ongoing. It’s certainly the president’s right to challenge the results of the election. And when the new president is sworn in, he will be my president, whether it’s President Trump or President Biden. I believe that’s the way it should be. And Republicans will act accordingly, I believe,” Webb said at the time.

In a follow up question on Saturday (Jan. 2), Webb said he still stands by the Electoral College vote, but is not opposed to the Congressional challenge. On Wednesday, U.S. House and Senate members are expected to contest the Electoral College results that gave President-elect Joe Biden a 306-232 victory over President Donald Trump.

“I think it’s entirely plausible, and I think a widely held opinion, that we can both accept the Electoral College vote and believe inconsistencies — outright fraud, and/or incompetence — should be investigated. Those do not have to be separate views,” Webb said. “Objecting to a presidential election isn’t new. It happened in 2000, 2004, and in 2016. I see no reason to think the Democratic-controlled House under Nancy Pelosi will vote to overturn electors.”

Webb said he’s running for co-chair of the RNC because he believes his record leading the Arkansas GOP could be a blueprint for other states. During his 12-year tenure, Arkansas went from a supermajority Democratic state to a supermajority Republican state. The GOP holds all of the federal and constitutional offices in Arkansas as well as a 78-22 margin the state House and a 28-7 margin in the state Senate. Jonelle Fulmer of Fort Smith has succeeded Webb as chair of the Arkansas GOP.

“I think we’ve had a great run in Arkansas. I think Arkansas could be an example for other blue states, for other purple states,” he said. “You know when I became chairman in 2008, Arkansas was the bluest of the blue. And this is not to say that Doyle Webb, changed this single-handedly, but I have seen how a blue, blue state can become bright red. And I think that’s important to share that with the other 50 states and the territories. I want to offer that to the Republican National Committee.”

If it doesn’t work out for Webb at the national level, he expects to be back in Arkansas working for Republican candidates in 2022. A former state Senator, he’s not inclined to reveal if he’ll be out front with any primary picks and he doesn’t rule out seeking future office someday.

“That fire could still be ignited if necessary. I love my state, and if I felt the need to do that, and I felt the call to do that I’ll certainly be willing to do that,” Webb said.

You can watch his full interview in the video below, including Webb’s comments on the rise of the GOP in Arkansas politics over the last decade and how he’s navigated several controversies.