C-Suite: Marvelyn Stout

by Talk Business & Politics staff ([email protected]) 1,517 views 

Class of 2020 C Suite Marvelyn Stout Founder, President & CEO Stout Executive Search, Springdale

FAST FACT: Stout started the firm in 2006, and it focuses on placing employees for Walmart supplier teams.

If you had $1 million to give, what would you support? Ensuring younger generations in Northwest Arkansas and beyond have the opportunity to experience the highest quality of education and the arts through scholarship.

What is the best business advice you have ever received? Always do the right thing.

What is the best business advice you have ever given? Double down on yourself.

What keeps you up at night or worries you the most? Concern for others and making sure we are doing everything possible to help those counting on us.

Has it been a good thing or bad thing in terms of how the pandemic has altered your business’ strategy? It’s not been good or bad, just different. As every business has, we’ve had to make adjustments to align more closely with businesses who have been positively impacted from the pandemic, i.e. food, outdoor recreation, paper products, and household chemical companies to name a few.

If you weren’t in your current profession, what would you be doing? Being a pilot.

What has been your toughest leadership challenge during the pandemic? Continually keeping people filled with hope during a difficult time.

Describe your morning routine. Enjoy a cup of coffee while reading and making my daily to-do list.

What’s the first app you launch on your phone each day? My email, along with several news sites.