Women in Business: Tina Miles - Talk Business & Politics

Women in Business: Tina Miles

by Talk Business & Politics staff (staff2@talkbusiness.net) 1,547 views 

Class of 2018 Women in Business Tina Miles Corporate Controller Sage Partners Real Estate Solutions, Rogers

Residence: Bentonville

Education: B.S.B.A., accounting, Robert Morris University

Professional background: Miles leads a six-person team at Sage Partners and has a combined 18 years of experience working in accounting for service, manufacturing and nonprofit businesses. Before joining Sage Partners in November 2016, she was chief financial officer for soy-based product company BioBased Technologies LLC in Rogers for 10 years. Also, she worked as an auditor for public accounting firm Schneider Downs in Pittsburgh for three years, and she served as an accounting manager for a nonprofit hospice and an appraisal title management company before moving to Northwest Arkansas in 2006.

What inspired you to pursue the career you are in? A trusted teacher, mentor and adviser encouraged me to pursue accounting in high school. I took two courses in high school and decided to stick with it based on her advice and recommendation.

What’s one key leadership lesson that’s stuck with you during your career? Leaders don’t work alone. Extraordinary results do not come from leaders alone but rather from a collective, collaborative effort.

What achievement are you most proud of so far in your career? Promotion to chief financial officer before the age of 40.

What’s the most important aspect of achieving a balance between your career and your family? A supportive, equal partner.

What was your dream job as A kid? As a kid, a teacher because you had the summers off. Now, as an adult and parent, I realize how challenging and demanding a job that is!

What advice would you give your younger self? Don’t try so hard to be perfect and please everyone. Don’t sweat the small stuff. I’m still a work-in-progress on this one.

What are three words you would use to describe yourself? Determined, loyal and pragmatic.

What goals do you have in the next three to five years of your career? To learn as much as I can and set myself and my team up for future success.

What qualities do you feel are most important in a company leader? Honesty, integrity, respect and collaboration.

Last good book you read? “Elite Minds” by Stan Beecham.

What’s the first thing you do at the office each morning? Fill up my water bottle. Never underestimate how important water is in your life!

How do you spend your time away from work — if there is such a thing? At home, with my family. My kids are only young for a short time, and they grow up fast. I don’t want to spend my limited time away from work doing other things and miss out on their childhood.

Of all the mentors in your professional career, who has been the most influential? Amy Sorrell, former CEO of BioBased Technologies, because she showed me, by example, how to be an influential leader, a devoted mother and how to show genuine interest in and compassion for others while providing an opportunity for me to add value and contribute in an organization that promoted and supported work-life balance.

Do you feel like we’re getting closer to gender equality in the workplace? Yes, but actions speak louder than words. We need to stop debating this topic and start doing something to change our culture and work environment.

I wish I knew how to … what? Cook.

What’s your biggest passion? My kids, because I can think of nothing more important to me than being there for them and helping them achieve their goals.

What is something unique people would be surprised to know about you? I am trained in Stott Pilates.

What’s your favorite smartphone app? Candy Crush because, for me, it is a mental challenge that is therapeutic and relieves stress.

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