New website highlights businesses in downtown Hot Springs

by Talk Business & Politics staff ([email protected]) 2,168 views 

The Downtown Association of Hot Springs, the Hot Springs Metro Partnership and Visit Hot Springs have jointly launched a new promotional website,

The site features downtown events and lists options for shopping, dining and recreation downtown, with an underlying goal to promote residential living and business development, according to a press release.

Cole McCaskill, vice president of economic development for the Hot Springs Metro Partnership, said business is flourishing downtown, and a goal of the new promotional effort is to showcase the town’s value beyond vacation season.

“Downtown Hot Springs has seen an increase in development since the Majestic Hotel fire in early 2014. The Historic Downtown district has had 65 new stores open and $60 million in capital investment,” McCaskill said in the press release. “While many in Arkansas are familiar with Hot Springs’ larger tourist attractions, the hope is that by promoting the variety of shops, restaurants, and nightly events, the area will become a destination for casual leisure visits in addition to vacations.”

The theme of the new website is “Rediscover Downtown Hot Springs,” and it was designed and will be maintained by Hot Springs communications firm 61 Celsius.

“The features on the website include easy navigation to get information about merchants of all types and a comprehensive listing of events happening in the downtown area,” 61 Celsius owner Stephanie Alderdice said in the release.

The site soon will also feature sponsored content and premium listings available to Downtown Association members, Alderdice said.

The Downtown Association of Hot Springs was formerly known as the Downtown Merchants Association but “changed its name to better match its mission,” President Paul Lynch, owner of the downtown clothing and gift store State & Pride Provisions Company, said in the release. “Our group is dedicated to supporting the preservation of the historic buildings and promoting the businesses and organizations operating in the area.”

Individuals may join the association, and businesses do not have to be located in downtown to be members, but to voting members must be located in the Hot Springs Thermal Fire Basin District, according to the organization. The group has more than 50 members. Membership is $120 per year.